Thursday 17 July 2014

Who is satan?

I have recently read an article on this website-
I totally agree a lot about it, in this website.
It says Satan was formerly an angel in heaven with God. But this evil angel opposed God's teaching because they liked anger, hatred, envy, sexual immorality, rebellion, debauchery, telling lies, rage, orgies, enslavement to sin.
God's teachings were of comfort to the human mind like peace, love, freedom from sin, faithfulness, forgiveness etc. Whereas Satan's teachings were of discomfort, unease, a sign of mental illness to the human mind.
Since Satan and his evil angels did not like the teachings of God, St Michael an Archangel- fought with Satan and his evil angels. Satan and his evil angels were cast down to hell from heaven, hence he is called a 'fallen angel' since he lost the battle with St Michael.
I have even seen on Television of Haunted houses, haunted places because such people did not die a peaceful death. They were either murdered, committed suicide, felt hopeless because Satan wants to cause distress to people's lives. And when we begin saying the St Michael's prayer "St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou. O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits who wander in this world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.", the devil runs away, is cast into hell, because St Michael won the battle against the devil. This indeed is one of the most powerful prayers I have ever believed just next to The Hail Mary and the Our Father.

  I have even questioned in my previous blog on whether Does God exists or not , but now I say God does exist because of miracles taking place and how people have been cured from deadly diseases.

 I do believe when people say ' Hail Satan', those people who blaspheme God,  it means they are already fallen angels because they hate God and his teachings and praise satan for they love the lifestyle of anger, rebellion, sexual immorality, orgies, debauchery. So after their death they are going to be evil angels with the devil and those who loved God are going to be guardian angels in heaven. But if the evil angel sincerely repents, then they do have a chance to be in heaven.

 So if you feel something in you is negative and you want to get rid of it, just be positive and believe in yourself, Let the holy spirit come into your life.