Tuesday 25 February 2014

Does God exist? Yes- His spirit lives

   They say the Earth is 4.54 Billion years old! One may wonder how was the earth formed.
Earth was formed when a ball of gas started to get thicker and finally matter was pulled towards the center due to gravity.The birth of the Solar system which consists of the sun which is a gigantic star, the planets that revolve around the sun i.e Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and a newly discovered planet named Sedna were formed 4.6 billion years ago.

  The Bible starts it of with Genesis, the first man and woman to roam on earth were Adam and Eve.
Still, it contradicts whether it was just a story or a true story or it could be the events that have taken place like sinning by eating the apple and Cain murdering his brother Abel, which in turn lead to a fictional story with a moral. Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,Song of Solomon are interesting chapters in the Bible which teaches us wisdom, morality and the right path in life.

    One has a question in mind. Who created the vast universe, our solar system, the galaxies and the stars so far away from us! The universe stretching on forever, where is the end of the outer space? One may wonder,do we have a soul after our death? And the miracles that have taken place. People healed from terminal illnesses. Some people have been cured by bathing in the water at Lourdes in France.People who have visited Israel, seem to have changed to normal behavior after visiting the place. For many, after saying the prayer to our Lady seem to get peace of mind.When people do bad, then karma does strike where justice has been done.

I have an excellent example to prove that God's spirit exists. This happened to my mother but now she is no longer with us. I remember when I was in elementary school, our family went to an Ashram. My mother couldn't walk because she did not have the strength on her feet due to a brain problem. There were prayers throughout the session chanting Alleluia. During the session, a minister approached my mom and was saying that you can now walk. And she did! This is an ample proof to tell me that God's holy spirit exists which gives energy to the weak. But this was only for a few days my mother could walk. I think God's holy spirit works if there is complete faith and a complete surrender in his name.

A lady named Monica living in the Eastern part of India had been miraculously cured from a stomach tumor after offering prayers to Mother Teresa.

Another story that a boy came across an accident. He was paralyzed and the doctors said that he will not survive. His mother surrendered to God and made a special prayer that her son will live. And he lived! And today, he is doing very well in his workplace.

And then we have the famous minister Benny Hinn. His prayer sessions had miraculously cured many people. That's the spirit of God.

But how come ministers like these and Benny Hinn have the power to start a miracle? It is that they are nearly free from sin and a complete surrender and faith to God that they have the power to heal people? What is the difference when we go to such places of worship which heals people and the spirit in our homes? In such places of worship, the energy of God's holy spirit is more than in the spirit of our homes. That is due to complete dedication to God.

Also, I have a very good example of hearing voices which have come true!
When Pope John Paul II passed away, it was time to appoint a new Pope. I specifically heard a voice in my bathroom in the night. The voice saying that Joseph Ratzinger will become pope, he will be named as Pope Benedict and to my surprise it came true the very next day!

Another voice telling me that something bad is going to happen on 26 Nov 2008. I was hearing a voice that Pakistani terrorists can come by the sea to carry out terrorists attack in India and in the night a terrorist attack took place in Taj Hotel. All these terrorists came by the sea!

So what are these voices that we hear? Most of these voices come true. Is it coincidence or is it super-natural? It can't be co-incidence. So there is a spirit which tells us what's going to happen in future. So spirits are real.God is real. We will all have to face judgement day after our death.

There is proof that evil exists. When I was 12 year old, I remember I had liked a pair of earrings from a vendor. I told the vendor, I specifically liked the diamond earrings with holders (holders are to hold the diamond in place for durability), but she diverted my mind and forced me to buy a pair of earrings with no holders. I said I wanted the Diamond earrings with holders, she just wouldn't listen and in the end I was forced to take the Diamond earrings without the holders. The moment I wore those earrings, I fell sick. The moment, I took off those earrings, my sickness went away. I realized that these earrings have been cursed by an evil spirit. I threw away those earrings.

Satan is a loser. He is there to tempt us in our everyday lives. To tell us to satisfy the desires of the flesh. We see Satan everywhere. Right from the evil side of the media industry to the bad people around us. It's sad that people these days indirectly seem to glorify satan by glorifying satanic musicians, criminals, pornstars, drugs, sex, nudity, atheism, money, deceiving others etc. He is there to tell you- Do what thou will which means to satisfy the desires of the flesh not knowing that doing these bad things will have a disastrous effect on your future. For eg- Drugs are satan's best tool. Initially, drugs give you pleasure but in the end it destroys you and invites you to die. Satan is happy. Do not do things that pleases Satan. You invite him to your house and to your own soul.

Let's throw away Satan out of our very lives. God is great. He does justice.
In the end, God defeats Satan.