Tuesday 30 December 2014

~ Rest in Peace to all my kitties! ~

~ Rest in Peace to all my Kitties ~

(updated on 11 Feb 2017)
(updated on 27 June 2018)

This blog is in remembrance to all my cats who have died in the past due to road accidents, poisoning, illnesses.

Here are some of my beloved cuties whom I miss so much because they were so adorable, affectionate and playful, I miss their company, they were a part of our family.

Recently, on 3 Nov 2014, I lost a cheerful female kitten named Goldie.
On 15 Nov 2014- I lost another male kitten whom I rescued at the Railway station and now I have lost our very affectionate Lina on 26 Dec 2014!

The list of my most beloved cats starting from the one I miss the most are as follows:

1) Michael the First

This is our first cat named Michael.
He was born in Feb 1999 to a cat named Jessie.
He had 2 other siblings named Jackie(a black cat) and Thomas(a white cat).
When we moved into our new property in 2003, we brought Michael along.
Michael lived in our new property till September 2003.
After that he was nowhere to be seen.
Michael was strong and well-built but was very gentle. He never used to get angry.
He had a very good temperament and was shy and afraid of strangers.
We cannot forget our first cat!

2) Twinkle


This is Twinkle. She was born on 19 July 2011 and died on 20 Nov 2012 due to poisoning.
Twinkle gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens on 1 Oct 2012, out of which 2 survive today.
Twinkle had a special liking for me, she would always brush herself against me and sometimes lick me. Her nature was affectionate, although she would get irritated with other people.
A video link of me and Twinkle can be found here -


3) Goldie kitty

Goldie kitten
Goldie kitten with Lina cat. Both of them died on
3 Nov 2014 and 26 Dec 2014 respectively

Goldie kitten was brought home somewhere in Oct 2014. She had a beautiful Golden coat.
Her nature was very playful and very lively!
She died due to a road accident on 3 Nov 2014.

4) Lina cat 

Lina cat

Here is Lina cat. She was brought home in Oct 2014.
A very affectionate and motherly nature.
She died on 26 Dec 2014 when her body was found in our opposite road neighbor's compound. Possible reasons are due to poisoning or might have been hurt due to a vehicle.

  5) Dolly

Dolly peeping through the door

Me and Dolly

This is Dolly. She was born somewhere in Nov 2013.
A very soft, cuddly, loving, playful and affectionate nature. She liked to lick me. She was lightweight and soft and cuddly to hold. What's unique in this cat is that she would always peep through the door and cry out so that we can let her in the house.
She left us on 10 Aug 2014 in the morning due to a road accident.

6) Tweety


This is Tweety. She was born somewhere in July 2010 and
  died on 30 Oct 2011 due to poisoning.
  She was very soft, cuddly, lightweight and affectionate.
  She would lick me always.
  I miss her!

7) Pinky

Pinky looking after 2 kittens who lost their mother

This is Pinky the III.
She was born on ~ Sept 2011 and died on 8 Oct 2012 due to pregnancy.
Her nature was motherly and playful.
What was special about this cat was, that she looked after 2 kittens who lost their mother.

8) Bubbles

Bubbles was rescued from a Railway station on 26 July 2014.
We think she was born somewhere in the first week of July 2014.
She was of a very quiet nature unlike other kittens who keep purring.
She is the cutest kitten I have ever seen and very quiet!
She died on 3 Aug 2014 due to Mercurochrome poisoning.



9) Pinky the II

Pinky( left) and Avril (right)

Pinky was a sickly kitten. She had a runny nose.
I also noticed her fur coat was dull and rough unlike other cats who have a bright fur coat, this indicated she was sick from birth.
She was born somewhere in Dec 2009 and died on 8 July 2010 due to getting wet in the rains.
Inspite of being sick from birth, she survived for long though we thought she would die early.
She trusted everyone and was not bothered by the environment.

10) Avril


This is Avril. She was thrown in our compound in Jan 2010.
She was born somewhere in Nov 2009 and died on 15 March 2012 due to poisoning.
Avril was always crying, the sound of her cry was very distinct.
She even used to give a massage by pressing her paws on my back, that was quite relieving.
She littered altogether 6 kittens on different occasions.

11) Mara 

I don't have a picture of Mara, although she has a 95% resemblance to the picture I have drawn.
She was born on 1 March 2009 to a black cat named Mini. Mara had 2 other sibling, one of them is Michael who is still living today and the other is Tinu who died in June 2009.
Mara had a selfish yet adorable nature.
She liked my dad more than me, she greeted my dad whenever he came home.
Mara littered 6 kittens on 11 Oct 2009 of which only 1 of them survive today.
Mara died on 2 Feb 2010 due to a road accident.

12) Woldo

Woldo was born to Mara on 11 Oct 2009.
He had a special liking for me.
I remember on 31 July 2010, he was following me on the road when I was leaving for college.
The face of him missing me when I'm away still strikes me as if Woldo was trying to tell me-"Please don't go to college, please accompany me or else I will die".
He was missing since then, or is believed to be dead as he was nowhere to be seen on 2 Aug 2010.
I really miss Woldo!

13) Two cute brothers

These 2 kittens were brought home in June  2013.
 Initially they were frightened of us, but later they confided in us and became attached.
 They did not live for long and died in June 2013 due to the rains.

14) Frisky - deaf kitten

Frisky- deaf kitten

Frisky was born deaf. She was born somewhere in Jan 2014. We loved her very much.
On 17 July 2014, Frisky passed away.

15) Chotu

I rescued Chotu near the Railway station on 13 July 2014. He was looking weak and sickly and so I decided to bring him home to give him the best he needs.
Ever-since I brought him, he looked sad and depressed and was afraid of me.
I gave him bath the first day.
He was comfortable living with other cats in our compound.
He died somewhere on 15 Nov 2014 due to a road accident.

16) Jackie

When Jackie was a kitten in 2010

Jackie cat- the black grey kitten on the right &
 Tweety cat- the blonde grey kitten on the left.
Both of them passed away

Jackie cat killed a parrot

Jackie cat was born somewhere in June 2010. He was last seen in our compound in June 2014. He had a runny nose and would always sneeze. A neighbor of ours adopted Jackie and gave him the best treatment possible as he was diagnosed with bronchitis. Jackie died around late 2014 due to bronchitis.

7) Black n white kitten (who came with Eric)

The black and white kitten who did not survive 

We adopted this black and white male kitten and Eric kitten on 16 July 2015. Eric survived, however the black kitten did not survive. He died on 24 July 2015 at 8 am in the morning to to lack of mother's milk.

18) 3 kittens-  Beauty, female and a male 

From Left to Right:
Beauty female kitten, Grey male kitten and another female kitten

Beauty the female kitten died on 7 Oct 2015

These 3 kittens were born around 4 Sept 2015. They were only 10 days old when we adopted them on 14 Sept 2015. Kittens need mother's milk for a minimum 15 days to survive. All 3 of them did not survive in our care. One of the kittens died on 28 Sept 2015 and the other kitten named Beauty died on 7 Oct 2015.

19) Bobby

Bobby born on 21 Jan 2011

My dad hugging Bobby on the day
he died 14 Oct 2015. RIP bobby

Bobby was born on 21 Jan 2011. He was born to a cat named Avril. Somewhere in 2012, some cruel person hit him on his leg which left his leg bone permanently dislocated. He respected my dad and always obeyed my dad's instructions. He was intelligent. He used to get irritated with me. About 4 months before his death, he lost fur on his body. He died on 14 Oct 2015 in the morning at around 7 am. His head was spinning before he died. We think that Bobby had died due to contaminated food.

20) Jimmy

Jimmy on the right hand side sleeping peacefully

Jimmy was born around July 2015. He was adopted by us on 3 Sept 2015. A very loving and affectionate nature. He never used to get angry with us. He loved me very much.
He died on Good Friday on 25 March 2016 due to a car accident.
A day before he died, he spent time with me sleeping on my bed.

21) Remy

Remy: the grey kitten on the left

Remy was born around Jan 2016. We adopted him in the last week of Feb 2016. For 8 months, he was afraid of us and had a very sweet, chirpy voice. He was growing well and became chubby and cuddly. He became less afraid of us. He died somewhere on 9 Jan 2017 due to a car accident.

The other cat photos that are either dead or lost are:

Blackie the male kitten was lost somewhere in Jan 2013

Tina the female kitten at the extreme left died on 17 Feb 2010 due to worm infection.

Happy- the brown female kitten was missing since 4 May 2013.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Who is satan?

I have recently read an article on this website- www.godandscience.org/doctrine/who_is_satan.html
I totally agree a lot about it, in this website.
It says Satan was formerly an angel in heaven with God. But this evil angel opposed God's teaching because they liked anger, hatred, envy, sexual immorality, rebellion, debauchery, telling lies, rage, orgies, enslavement to sin.
God's teachings were of comfort to the human mind like peace, love, freedom from sin, faithfulness, forgiveness etc. Whereas Satan's teachings were of discomfort, unease, a sign of mental illness to the human mind.
Since Satan and his evil angels did not like the teachings of God, St Michael an Archangel- fought with Satan and his evil angels. Satan and his evil angels were cast down to hell from heaven, hence he is called a 'fallen angel' since he lost the battle with St Michael.
I have even seen on Television of Haunted houses, haunted places because such people did not die a peaceful death. They were either murdered, committed suicide, felt hopeless because Satan wants to cause distress to people's lives. And when we begin saying the St Michael's prayer "St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou. O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits who wander in this world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.", the devil runs away, is cast into hell, because St Michael won the battle against the devil. This indeed is one of the most powerful prayers I have ever believed just next to The Hail Mary and the Our Father.

  I have even questioned in my previous blog on whether Does God exists or not , but now I say God does exist because of miracles taking place and how people have been cured from deadly diseases.

 I do believe when people say ' Hail Satan', those people who blaspheme God,  it means they are already fallen angels because they hate God and his teachings and praise satan for they love the lifestyle of anger, rebellion, sexual immorality, orgies, debauchery. So after their death they are going to be evil angels with the devil and those who loved God are going to be guardian angels in heaven. But if the evil angel sincerely repents, then they do have a chance to be in heaven.

 So if you feel something in you is negative and you want to get rid of it, just be positive and believe in yourself, Let the holy spirit come into your life.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Discoveries made for the benefit of the environment

I found various articles in the newspapers and in my under-graduate Science books about the discoveries that Scientists and researchers have made for the benefit of the environment.They are:
1. A Nanowire paper towel designed to clean up oil spills
2. Biogas plant- Turning waste into energy
3. Converting algae into crude oil
4. Organic photovoltaic solar cells that produces more power and costs less to manufacture
5. Plants that give crude oil
6. Sugar producing plants.
7. Batteries that run on sugar maltodextrin
8. Lightning to power mobile phones
9. Escherichia Coli bacteria that causes food poisoning to make petrol
10. Cellulose crystals that are as strong as steel.
11. Capturing electrons from plants to generate small scale electricity
12. Using plants to remove pollutants from the soil

1. Nanowire paper towel designed to clean up oil spills. 

    Discovered by: MIT researchers
    Lead researcher: Francesco Stellacci- Associate Professor of Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
    Short Description: The Nanowire paper towel is made up of Potassium Manganese oxide. The nanowires are stable at high temperatures which means that oil in the loaded membrane can be removed by heating above the boiling point of oil, the oil evaporates and can be condensed into liquid and can be used again.The membrane i.e Nanowire paper towel and oil can be used again.It absorbs 20 times its weight in oil and can be recycled many time for future use.It contains a water repelling coating that keeps water from penetrating into the membrane.But oil  seeps into the membrane. It is inexpensive.
Nanowire paper towel to clean up oil spills in the sea
Nanowire paper towel to clean up oil spills








2. Biogas (Gobar) plant- Turning waste into energy

The Biogas (gobar gas) plant has long been used in India since 100 years.
Short Description:  Cowdung, household waste, sewage, municipal waste, crops, green waste, plant material, agricultural waste are fed into the Gobar gas plant. The biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion(in absence of Oxygen) with anaerobic bacteria or fermentation of these biodegradable materials such as manure,sewage, municipal waste, green waste,plant material and crops. Biogas is a mixture containing mainly methane(50-80%) and other gases such as Carbon dioxide(15-45%) and water (5%) and some trace gases. The gases produced in the plant(i.e Methane gas) go into the outlet pipe and into our kitchen stoves where the lighter induces fire to the highly flammable Methane gas and hence we can start cooking.
Advantages: It is a clean,renewable source of energy.
10 kg of dry organic matter like cowdung and other agricultural wastes is able to produce 3 cubic meter of biogas which can provide 3 hours of cooking.
Useful in rural areas.
LimitationsFor residential buildings in cities, the gobar gas plant needs to be large and more cowdung is needed to produce the biogas for the residences.

A Gobar gas plant used in rural areas

Working of a Biogas plant

3.Converting Algae into Crude oil

   Discovered by: Engineers at U.S Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
   Lead researcher: Douglas Elliot
   Short DescriptionThe Wet algae was put into a chemical reactor of 350 Celsius hot water under high pressure of 3000 PSI (Pound force per square inch) for 60 minutes.The result obtained was crude algae oil, water and Phosphorous.
This algae oil is converted into aviation fuel, gasoline or diesel fuel.
The waste water is processed to form burnable gas, Potassium and Nitrogen.
and the cleansed water is recycled to grow more algae.
Advantages:  It is a low cost method,
                      Very efficient,
                      It is a continuous chemical process,
                      Harnesses algae's energy efficiently.
                      The same process would have taken nature millions of years to achieve the crude oil.
Limitations: The high Pressure system( ie Hydrothermal liquefaction, catalytic hydrothermal gasification) is not cheap to build it.
Algae converted into crude oil
Doug Elliot


4. Organic Photovoltaic cells that produce more power and costs less to manufacture

Discovered by: Qiaoqiang Gan, a University of Buffalo Professor
Short DescriptionIt involves the use of plasmonic enhanced organic photovoltaic materials that produces more power and costs less to manufacture. These devices don't match traditional solar cells in terms of energy production.Compared to their inorganic counterparts,these organic photovoltaics are made in liquid form and can be applied to a greater variety of surfaces.
AdvantagesSince these organic photovoltaics are in liquid form ,they can be applied to a greater variety of surfaces.Gives more power and costs less to produce.

Qiaoqiang Gan

5. Plants that give crude oil.

         Copaifera Langsdorfii and Copaifera mutijuga of family Leguminosae give 20 to 30 litres of oil in 2 to 3 hours when a 3.5x4 cm hole is drilled into the stem of 90 cm height. This oil is directly usable in diesel engines like Trucks.
Copaifera Langsdorfii plant

Copaifera Langsdorfii

Oil is extracted from the tree which is directly used in diesel engines
Copaifera Langsdorfii- the diesel tree- extracting the oil which is directly used in diesel engines like trucks

Calvin and associates (1982)-
     Euphorbia Lathyris' latex contained 5% terpenoid of which a petrol like substance can be obtained and 20% hexose sugar of which ethanol can be obtained by fermentation.

Euphorbia Lathyris- the latex contains 5% terpenoid of which a petrol like substance is obtained

Euphorbia Lathyris plant

Euphorbia Lathyris flowering

Other Euphorbia species are E. abbysinica, E.resinifer, E.tirucalli, E neriifolia, E antisyphilitica which can be used as sources of oil, ethanol and other chemicals.

         Edible oil plants are Helianthus(sunflower),  Arachis(peanut),  Zea(Corn),  Ricinus(castor),  Linum(linseed), Cocos(coconut),  Carthamus(safflower).

        Non-edible oils are Jatropha, Pittosporum, simmondsia, Pongamia,Azadirachta, Callophyllum. These plants grow in arid to semi-arid regions, they increase the tree cover, reduce desertification, prevents soil erosion,  droughts and floods.

Jatropha Curcas -the seed yields oil which on trans-esterification yields bio-diesel which resembles diesel

Jatropha Curcas

Jatropha (J. curcas) is the best oil yielding plant.Its seed oil yielding capacity is 1000 Liters/hectare* in dry land conditions and 1500 liters per hectare in irrigated land conditions.Jatropha yields oil for upto 45- 50 years. Jatropha is the future fuel.
Vegetable oil on trans-esterification yields bio-diesel which resembles diesel fuel.

Bio-diesel is a non-petroleum based diesel fuel.
Bio- diesel can be blended with petrol.
100% bio-diesel or B100 can be used in some engines with little or no modification.
Bio-diesel is also called Fatty acid Methyl or Ethyl Ester.
Bio-diesel is simple, biodegradable, non-toxic, free of sulfur and aromatics, it has lowest emission level.
[ *1  hectare = A land of 100m X 100m area = 10,000 square meters of area]


6. Sugar producing plants

      Examples of sugar producing plants are sugarcane, sugarbeet,potato, corn, wheat.
 Sugarcane under the action of enzymes produced by micro-organisms, produces Ethanol or propanol or butanol.
Biobutanol produces more energy and can be burnt straight in existing petrol engines, hence can be used directly in petrol engines without any modification in the engines.

10% Bioethanol + 90% gasoline -----> Gasohol
Gasohol can be used in petrol engines without any modification.Gasohol has higher octane which means the gasohol is of good quality and the engine works more efficiently.
For 100% ethanol engine modifications are required.

6. Batteries that run on maltodextrin sugar

Discovered by:  Scientists at Viginia Tech
Lead researcherY H Percival Zhang
Short DescriptionZhang and his colleagues constructed a non- natural synthetic enzymatic pathway that strip all charge potentials from the sugar to generate electricity in an enzymatic fuel cell.
 The sugar battery combines fuel( i.e maltodextrin) with air to generate electricity and water as the main by product.
AdvantagesEnzymes are used,
                      The maltodextrin sugar which is used as fuel is biodegradable,
                      Refillable battery
                      The batteries are coming out in 2017.

Percival Zhang who discovered Batteries that run on maltodextrin

8. Lightning to power mobile phones

Discovered by: Scientists from University of South Hampton
Lead researcher: Neil Palmer
Short DescriptionHarnesses the power of Lightning to power mobile phones. Using alternating current driven by a transformer, 200000 volts was sent across a 30cm gap, giving heat and light similar to that of a lightning bolt. The signal was stepped into a second transformer allowing us to charge the phone.

What is an alternating current?  
In alternating current (AC), the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.
AC is the form in which electric power is delivered to businesses and residences.

What is Direct current?
In Direct current (DC), the flow of electric charge is only in one direction. Direct current is produced by sources such as batteries, solar cells, thermocouples.

What is a Transformer?
AC voltage may be increased or decreased with a transformer.
 High voltage transmission lines deliver power from electric generation plants over long distances using alternating current.

9. Escherichia Coli bacteria that causes food poisoning to make petrol      

Discovered by: South Korean Scientists
Lead researcher: Professor Sang Yup Lee of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)       
Short DescriptionE coli is a harmful bacteria that causes food poisoning..
Genetically modified E.Coli was fed with glucose.The enzymes produced by E.Coli converted the glucose to Fatty acids and then into Hydrocarbons which is similar to petrol.
Limitations: 1 liter of glucose E coli culture in 1 hour produced only 580 milligram of petrol. A low titre value.

10. Cellulose crystals that are as strong as steel.

Discovered by: Pablo Zavattieri, Purdue University assistant professor of Civil engineering
Short DescriptionCellulose is found in plant walls.
The tiny cellulose crystals that give trees and plants their high strength, light weight and resilience have now been shown to have the stiffness of steel.
Their properties were predicted for the first time using quantum mechanics(quantum mechanics is transmission of radiant energy in the form of quanta or packets)
The cellulose nanocrystals are about 1/1000th the width of a grain of sand.They are too small to study with light microscopes.
AdvantagesCellulose nanocrystals are useful in making biodegradable plastic bags, textiles, wound dressings, flexible batteries, transparent flexible displays,
Cellulose nanomaterials are renewable, biodegradable, sustainable and carbon neutral

In a plant cell- the cell wall is the outermost covering. The cell wall is made up of cellulose which gives plants their strength

In a plant cell the cell wall contains cellulose

Cellulose nanocrystals

11.Capturing electrons from plants to generate small scale electricity

Lead researcher: Ramaraja Ramasamy, assistant professor in UGA college of Engineering.
Short DescriptionDuring photosynthesis, plants take in water and sunlight to produce Oxygen, Hydrogen and  free electrons. These electrons are responsible to create sugars as food for the growth and reproduction in plants. Separating out structures in the plant cell called Thylakoids (thylakoids are present inside the chloroplasts of a plant cell) which are responsible for capturing and storing energy from sunlight. The proteins in the thylakoids were manipulated to interrupt the pathway along which electrons flow.These modified thylakoids are then immobilized on specially designed backing of carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes act as an electrical conductor capturing the electrons from the material ie Thylakoids and sending them along a wire.
AdvantagesCan be used for portable electronic equipment that requires less power to run and for remote sensors.
Disadvantages: more work must be done before this technology reaches commercialization.

A plant cell. Thylakoids are present inside the Chloroplasts.

Thylakoids are present inside the chloroplasts(chloroplasts are green colored plastids) of a plant cell
Carbon Nanotube

Ramaraja Ramasamy(right) and Yogeswaran Umasankar (your Left)


12. Using plants to remove pollutants from the soil, water and air.

Water Hyacinth plants have been found to accumulate Mercury from contaminated water
 The aquatic plant-Water Hyacinth(Eichornia) has been found to acumulate Mercury from contaminated water.

Sunflower plants remove radioactive Strontium and Cesium.

Sunflower plants remove radioactive Strontium and Cesium from the soil

Land plants such as cottonwood, poplar and juniper trees, grasses, alfalfa accumulate pollutants which are collected along with water that they absorb through the roots from the ground. The plant cells may degrade the chemicals or may simply concentrate the chemicals in the plant cells. If the chemicals are concentrated in plant cells, the contaminated plants may be burned or disposed of by any other means treating these plants as waste.

Cottonwood tree accumulate pollutants from the soil
Poplar tree

Juniper trees accumulate pollutants from the soil

Juniper tree

Alfalfa plants accumulate pollutants from the soil

Genetically engineered strains of bacteria called Escherichia Coli have been found to be useful for cleaning up Mercury and other heavy metals. The Mercury can bind to metal binding proteins present in the E.Coli bacteria.

   Genetically engineered bacteria called cyanobacteria and genetically engineered single cell algae containing metallothionein protein gene are used to clean up Cadmium.

References and Sources:

1) Nanowire paper towel designed to clean up oil spills

2) Biogas plant- Turning waste into energy
    Information taken from-FYBSc Zoology Textbook Vol II(Part II) by S.S Bhattacharya
    and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biogas

3) Converting algae into crude oil-
Organic photovoltaic solar cells that produces more power and costs less to manufacture-     
Batteries that run on sugar maltodextrin- 

     Lightning to power mobile phones 

     Escherichia Coli bacteria that causes food poisoning to make petrol-
    Cellulose crystals that are as strong as steel-

   Capturing electrons from plants to generate small scale electricity

   Information taken from MumbaiMirror newspaper-

4) Plants that give crude oil
     Sugar producing plants
    Information taken from-  FYBSc  A New Course in Botany (Volume II) Textbook by
    Prof Sarangdhar,Dr Golatkar, Dr Patel, Dr Katdare

5)Using plants to remove pollutants from the soil
  FYBSc Zoology Textbook Vol II(Part II) by S.S Bhattacharya

6) Images taken using Google search